Here are my thoughts:
People are funny. We spend the first twenty years of our lives wishing we were older, and the last sixty years wishing we were younger. I have started to do the latter, so, I am going to stop this vicious cycle.
I am grateful that I am [my age] because:
1) A friend told me that I can now run for U.S. Senate. I don't plan on it, but with the economy as it is, I am glad to know that I have this option available for me.
2) My bodily functions are still in my control, except when I am pregnant.
3) I am not in pain all of the time.
4) I am at the age where I can bake, crochet, quilt, and sew one day, and go to a raging concert the next. I can wear orthopedic shoes, or huge fuzzy flip flops. I can shop from juniors to sportswear!
5) Token Asian Friend=Old Asian Woman. Old Asian women are cute. Therefore, I am cute.
6) When I stand up, I can count the number of joints popping on only ONE HAND! Of course, I need to use the other hand to count the joints that pop from counting on the one hand...
7) I can now look at popular musicians and say, "Punk Kids!"
8) Passing different fitness levels on my Wii Fit is actually an accomplishment.
9) I can begin the countdown to retirement.
10) A friend of mine said that he is grateful to be [my age] because it is "one of those invisible barriers where people respect you more as an adult." I guess this must be the age where, "respect your elders" is referring to me.
What do you love about being YOUR age?
I love that I now have to shave my neck wattle.
In one more year, I get to run for President! Which I swore I'd do if I ever became a billionaire. So here's to only becoming a 900 millionaire.
In reference to your #5: You better not be equating our age to "Old." Unlike some of your readers, I do know where you sleep.
But as far as everything else goes, I'd have to agree. I especially like to refer to young celebs as "kids."
Sweet heavens. If you're old, WTF am I??? Nearly dead....
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