What is the theme of my post?
A friend went to pick up a mexican cuisine take-out order for the rest of us. As he was driving back home, something on the side of the road caught his eye. He stepped out of the car and picked up a Domino's Pizza delivery bag, still warm to the touch, packed with pizza and breadsticks. Aside from the minimal amount of dust on the bag, the food inside was unscathed.
And it was delicious.
My mom's friend convinced her of the nutritional value of dandelion leaves. So, on a fine summer day, the two families were forced to drive around the country side, and look for the perfect patch of dandelions to harvest. After 30 minutes of searching, we found some, and caused quite a traffic jam as people looked to see what these two Asian families were picking off the side of the road.
We ate fresh dandelion leaves that night for dinner.
And it was disgusting.
I was riding on a bike through a city in Asia when I noticed all of the dogs, packs of them, rummaging through the garbage, running out in traffic, breeding. I turned to my companion and said, "The last city I was in didn't have this many stray dogs."
She replied, "That's because, in that city, the people ate the dogs."
I was walking along the streets of Asia when I saw a chicken cross the road. Literally. It almost died. So, my friend and I picked it up by it's feet and walked around the streets and alleys to see who it might belong to. No one claimed it. Not wanting it to get run over, I tied it to the basket of my bike and we rode home. We gave it to our neighbors downstairs who already had an assortment of animals in cages in front of their apartment. Every morning, at 6 am, we heard our little friend crow.
For a week.
Stolen food: Could be good. Could be bad. But hey, it's free—be grateful.
What's my prize?
Actually, the theme is curbside dining. But, for a good guess, I'll make you dinner. How do you like your dog?
Ground up in hard-shell tacos, with sour cream, cheese, and lettuce.
I was thinking more along the lines of "take no thought what ye shall eat...." The Lord will provide and all.
Micah: HaHaHa!!! I love Taco Bell!!!
Pam: I will never look at that scripture the same way again.
How about Resourcefulness?
I was thinking, "I'll eat ANYTHING because I am Asian."
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