Monday, January 5, 2009

America / Asia

A little comparison between America and Asia.

American Icy Hot

Asian Icy Hot
(for muscle, joint, bone aches.  Also reduces fever)


American Semi-Truck

Asian Semi-Truck


American Fish

Asian Fish


American Comfort

Asian Comfort


American Digestive Relief

Asian Digestive Relief
(These little black pills are the stomach/intestinal cure all, but you have to get past the smell of the pill and of you after eating the pill!  If you've ever been near one, you KNOW what I am talking about!)


American Burrito (well, sort of . . . . North American.)

Asian Burrito


America Under Construction

Asia Under Construction
(They really do wear those hats when they do construction work!)


But, in one area, Asia stands alone....

Food Presentation (Yes, that is a toilet bowl.)


Kristina P. said...

I feel like I never need to actually go to Asia after this post.

Oh, and my husband LOVES Tiger Balm. It makes me angry.

Brooke said...

Wow ... that last photo is pretty incredible.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I would really enjoy eating out of a toilet bowl. Why don't all Asian restaraunts present their food like this?

Veena said...

Makes sense to me. That's where it will end up anyway.

Brooklyn said...

I like how the toilet has a name on it.

StuTheWise said...

Are those lumpia (the Asian burrito)? I grew up on those! I miss them.

that raven chick said...

that asian digestive pill.. oh yes I know what you are talking about