Thursday, March 4, 2010

Why teens and Adults should not be friends on facebook:

Teenage Facebook Friend: Wouldn't it be ironic if you died choking on a lifesaver?

Me: That is why they have the holes in the center.

Teenage Facebook Friend: What???

Me: The hole is there so that if it gets caught in your throat, you can still breathe...through the hole.

Teenage Facebook Friend: ?


No, seriously kid. In twenty years, that will make sense.


Micah E. said...

Do you think if I was choking on a piece of ice, I'd be able to hold my breath long enough for the ice to melt and save my life?

Token Asian Friend said...

It depends... Is it crushed ice, an icicle, a cube of ice, A tube of ice, or glacial ice, or dry ice?

Anonymous said...

So funny that you wrote that. Last month a friend of mine posted on facebook that her six year old son got a lifesaver stuck in his throat. When they finally got it out, he said, "If that had been a jolly rancher I could have died."

kristib said...

Yeah, without a hole you wouldn't be able to put a straw through it to breathe. Or a tracheotomy.

that raven chick said...

Seriously, that is one stupid teenager, and cannot speak for the rest of us as a whole.
but seriously, don't you hate it when you think you've said something witty/profound, and all you get in reply is a petty "?".

guess what token? BYU doesn't want me! It must be all this arrogance.

Brooke said...

Micah --- That's happened to me before. It's not a really pleasant experience but kind of cool to feel it melting. Of course, it was just standard ice-cube tray ice. No guarantees it would work for glacial or dry ice. =)

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Brooklyn said...


My teenaged neighbor posted on FB the other day that she made the "cheer skwad". It was really hard not to say anything besides congratulations. ;)