Wednesday, August 12, 2009


If the pastry people are going to put this picture on the cover of their box...

Then they should also tell me where to buy the midgi-berries that fit inside.


If you are wondering how bad of a driver I am...

Yes, my child fears for PEZ Bell's safety.


If some people think this yellow highlighter is green...

Then I can see how the grocery store mistook these bananas to be yellow.


If my ideal day could be encapsulated in one picture...


Brownie Bites said...

If those are creme puffs or eclairs... sign me up1

Courtney said...

If you threw in a really good nap, I'd be right there with you!

melmommy said...

Great post!

Tiffany said...

You had me at PEZ Belle.

Token Asian Friend said...

Courtney--That's the idea! Napping, waking up, chewing, swallowing, then napping again.

Carrie Wood said...

I miss you! I haven't checked your blog for a while! How are you? How was your trip out to the midwest? Any idea about that guy you wanted to set my sister up with? I have a friend who follows "Seriously So Blessed" - she loves your comments, she saw your comment on my blog - so, now she thinks I am even cooler. Thanks!