Sunday, May 3, 2009

Back When I was an Asian Kid...

When I was little, I was happy to eat a lunch that looked like food.

But, now in Asia...

(Thanks KelleBelle for the pictures!)

And, yes, even Hello Kitty.

Looks like the Asian kids these days have gotten a little picky.


Anonymous said...

Are they outrageously expensive? It drives me nuts when we go to someplace like Red Robin and my kids get a bowl of Kraft mac and cheese and we pay five bucks for it. I would feel a lot happier about paying for something that showed that much effort.

Kemi said...

I love looking at pictures of those lunches and not feeling a single iota of guilt for lacking the means/desire/artistry to execute them.

With my luck, after I slaved over them for hours, my kids would decide they were too cute to eat, and either a) want to save them forever and ever, and/or b) push them aside in favor of less "fancy" food like plain old PB & J.

kellebelle said...

I'm pretty sure my kids would be thrilled if I made such cute lunches, but then they would want them EVERY DAY, so obviously I can't establish a precedent! They'll just have to hold off until we move to China someday...

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I can't make those! My kids have to be happy with piles of whatever I fix!

melmommy said...


Way too pretty to eat. Way too much time to prepare. Who does this, not the little shop down the street? A big restaurant or something right.?

Token Asian Friend said...

I can see the fit now, "That doesn't look like Pikachu!I wanted Pikachu!!!!" ( ; ~ ; )