Thursday, January 13, 2011

Because they know me...

Over the holidays, my parents and my family got together for one of the "eve" nights. My mom brought an Asian pork dish, an Asian fish dish, and another Asian side dish. When I asked what I could contribute, I was given a list of two "dishes."


And lettuce.


Rebeccarama said...

I was given a similar assignment on Christmas from my mother in law- corn. Canned corn. And I forgot it.

celeste said...

yum! i'd love to get your lettuce recipe! :)

Brooklyn said...

Wow. I can relate. I usually get asked to bring a jar of pickles or a can of olives.

Neela said...

Once I asked my mom to bring drinks (think cans of pop) for a family get together. She brought salad. Tabouli to be exact. Tabouli does not equal soda. Ever. I'm sure you obediently brougt rice and lettuce as any good Asian daughter would.