Thursday, January 21, 2010

Lethal Weapon

After reading this article about a chopstick going up the nose and piercing a Chinese toddler's brain, I became concerned.

My kids run around with chopsticks all the time!

This little boy was lucky, though. The chopstick had pierced 4 cm into his brain, but did not strike a major blood vessel and did not cause any paralysis. Also, his "neurosurgeon was perfect for the job since he had extensive experience with surgeries involving chopsticks lodged in eyes, foreheads, and necks."

I don't think they have neurosurgeons specialized in removing impaled chopsticks anywhere in the United States.

I might have to have my kids run around with forks, instead.


Tiffany said...

Yes, I think you should definitely switch them to the fork. I know several fork-removing neurosurgeons.

celeste said...

problem solved.

you are so wise, TAF.

Brooke said...

Sporks are safer. You can stock up on your next trip to your local KFC -- the only place I've even been able to find the spork.

kristib said...

Yes, forks are much safer. I mean this kid was okay.

Anonymous said...

There just aren't words...

Anonymous said...

kristib, I guess I can't blame you for ruining my next several meals since I'm the one who looked up the link.

I vote for spoons only. Also for straightjackets.

Token Asian Friend said...

Tiffany: Exactly. Because a regular neurosurgeon just isn't good enough. I need a specialization within a specialization.

Brooke: Agreed, except sporks can break (like they have while I've eaten KFC) leaving sharp plastic shards behind. The good news is, at least the shards won't make it to the brain. Maybe if they made metal sporks...

Kristib: thank you for driving my point home. Do you see a brain injury? No. Merely a flesh wound. :)

Brownie Bites said...

Very very funny/sad. That poor kid. A 10-hour drive? Yuck.

*MARY* said...

We only use cotton chopsticks here, so I think we're okay.

Deanna E. said...

Maybe you should just use shorter chopsticks.

Payne Family said...

how bout scissors instead?

JenB said...

I don't mean to stalk (yes I do) but here you are. Spork away.

michelle@somedaycrafts said...

I think knives would be better!