Saturday, December 12, 2009

Cartoons are going downhill!

While watching "Little Einsteins"...

Leo (of "Little Einsteins"): The boy had a magic Christmas box. All he had to do was make a wish, and his Christmas gift appeared in the box. If you had a magic Christmas box, what would you wish for?

Daughter: A Barbie. No, wait, MAKE-UP!


Leo: Cool! I would wish for that too!

Daughter: HUH?!?

I wasn't at all surprised. I always wondered about that Leo.


kellebelle said...

Ha! Okay, not the smartest scripting. BUT I love Little Einsteins! I so love something (besides / in addition to me) that will introduce my kids to classical music and art instead of watered down pop culture. I have a bone to pick with all the cartoons and kid shows that emulate and "pedestalize" bands and rock stars. I could go on (and on!), but I'll leave it at that. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still trying to decide whether it's sweet or sad that when your daughter thought of having anything in the world, her top choices were barbie and make-up.

Token Asian Friend said...

What can I say Pam. Kids want what they can't have.

Kellebelle, I do like little einsteins, and I don't really think Leo wears make-up. :)

jamiea said...

I wish I had me a Christmas box :)

Jamie said...

oops I didn't mean to sign in as jamiea - that's from a different blog. I don't want to confuse you :)

Anonymous said...

You've probably already seen Saturday Night Live's send-up of Dora the Explorer, "Maraka," but if you haven't you should. Here's a link. (The laugh track's kind of annoying, but it's a pretty great spoof.)

kellebelle said...

I could hear the humor in your voice. Sorry to climb on my soapbox!

Karen said...

I don't like tv to talk to my child.

Lar. said...

So I got Jaxon an Easy Bake Oven for Christmas. Aneke said it would be okay but Dan thinks Jason is going to kill me.

That is what he wants, so that is what he gets!