Wednesday, October 21, 2009

20/20 Hindsight

After watching that stray dog relieve itself on a fruit crate in an Asian morning market,
I began to regret eating my grapes before washing them.


Anonymous said...

I've always felt torn about how to convince my children to wash their fresh fruit. I'm afraid if I get too graphic in my explanaions, they'll quit eating fruit completely...

kellebelle said...


Hope that (other than this) your trip has been wonderful!

Brooke said...

Yes, that would definitely be the definition of regret. Eww!

Anonymous said...

Um, wow, yeah.

Brian and Janette said...

Growing up in the country, we learned early on never to remount and ride up stream. Somehow that cool, crisp stream water didn't seem quite as refreshing when a 1/2 mile upstream, a dead cow's fluids were seen mixing with that stream water. Blech!